Bertrand Cucmag
Bertrand Cucmag
Bertrand Cucmag
Hi, My name is Bertrand alias cucmag, I’m 48 years old and I live in France in a city located in the southwest near Bayonne.
I meet the world of hardware for a while now but it's only 5 years that I fell in modding.
It started with the sleeving of wires… Then came the plate cutting and watercooling.
My first mod allowed me to discover techniques.
By bringing all these techniques I found a style in the modding that turns around a theme, a story, a subject.
Then came Temple Run a mod based on the Mayan universe and the game.
The second involves the time japan samurai with Ronin and the last one is based on the universe steampunk.
I also worked on Scratch Build with a DeskMod whose theme is based on Harley motorcycle.
well, maybe I'll change my style ... in fact, I often decided at the last moment and I adapt modding as and as I advance in my work.
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